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For most users, the functionalites described in Getting Started are sufficient. If you want to examine how you can configure the package's behavior for your own needs, check out Cofiguration. Or you can explore the two main functionalities of the package, namely the Bulk Download or the SOAP API download.


Database settings

Configure your database with the engine parameter of Mastr. It defines the engine of the database where the MaStR is mirrored to. Default is 'sqlite'.

The possible databases are:

  • sqlite: By default the database will be stored in $HOME/.open-MaStR/data/sqlite/open-mastr.db.
  • own database: The Mastr class accepts a sqlalchemy.engine.Engine object as engine which enables the user to use any other desired database. If you do so, you need to insert the connection parameter into the engine variable. It'll look like this:
  from sqlalchemy import create_engine

  engine_postgres = create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://open-mastr:open-mastr@localhost:55443/open-mastr")
  engine_sqlite = create_engine("sqlite:///path/to/sqlite/database.db")
  db = Mastr(engine=engine_sqlite)

Project directory

The directory $HOME/.open-MaStR is automatically created. It is used to store configuration files and save data. Default config files are copied to this directory which can be modified - but with caution. The project home directory is structured as follows (files and folders below data/ just an example).

    ├── config
       ├── credentials.cfg
       ├── filenames.yml
       ├── logging.yml
    ├── data
       ├── dataversion-<date>
       ├── sqlite
           └── open-mastr.db
        └── xml_download
            └── Gesamtdatenexport_<date>.zip
    └── logs
        └── open_mastr.log
  • config
    • credentials.cfg
      Credentials used to access Marktstammdatenregister (MaStR) API
    • filenames.yml
      File names are defined here.
    • logging.yml
      Logging configuration. For changing the log level to increase or decrease details of log messages, edit the level of the handlers.
  • data
    • dataversion-<date>
      Contains exported data as csv files from method to_csv
    • sqlite
      Contains the sqlite database in open-mastr.db
    • xml_download
      Contains the bulk download in Gesamtdatenexport_<date>.zip
      New bulk download versions overwrite older versions.
  • logs
    • open_mastr.log
      The files stores the logging information from executing open-mastr.


For the download via the API, logs are stored in a single file in /$HOME/<user>/.open-MaStR/logs/open_mastr.log. New logging messages are appended. It is recommended to delete the log file from time to time because of its required disk space.


If the zipped dump of the MaStR is downloaded, it is saved in the folder $HOME/.open-MaStR/data/xml_download.

The data can then be written to any sql database supported by sqlalchemy. The type of the sql database is determined by the parameter engine in the Mastr class.

For more information regarding the database see Database settings.

Bulk download

On the homepage MaStR/Datendownload a zipped folder containing the whole MaStR is offered. The data is delivered as xml-files. The official documentation can be found on the same page (in german). This data is updated on a daily base.

flowchart LR
  id1("📥 Download raw data
  from") --> id2(Write xml files to database)
  id2 --> id3[("📗 open-mastr database")]
  id3 --> id4("🔧 Decode and cleanse data")
  id4 --> id3
  id3 --> id5("Merge corresponding tables
  and save as csv")
  id5 --> id6>"📜 open-mastr csv files"]
  click id1 "" _blank
  click id2 "" _blank
  click id4 "" _blank
  click id5 "" _blank
  click id6 "" _blank

In the following, the process is described that is started when calling the function with the parameter method="bulk". First, the zipped files are downloaded and saved in $HOME/.open-MaStR/data/xml_download. The zipped folder contains many xml files, which represent the different tables from the MaStR. Those tables are then parsed to a sqlite database. If only some specific tables are of interest, they can be specified with the parameter data. Every table that is selected in data will be deleted from the local database, if existent, and then filled with data from the xml files.

In the next step, a basic data cleansing is performed. Many entries in the MaStR from the bulk download are replaced by numbers. As an example, instead of writing the german states where the unit is registered (Saxony, Brandenburg, Bavaria, ...) the MaStR states corresponding digits (7, 2, 9, ...). One major step of cleansing is therefore to replace those digits with their original meaning. Moreover, the datatypes of different entries are set in the data cleansing process and corrupted files are repaired.

If needed, the tables in the database can be obtained as csv files. Those files are created by first merging corresponding tables (e.g all tables that contain information about solar) and then dumping those tables to .csv files with the to_csv method.

  • No registration for an API key is needed
  • Download of the whole dataset is possible
  • No single tables or entries can be downloaded
  • Download takes long time

SOAP API download

MaStR account and credentials

For downloading data from the Marktstammdatenregister (MaStR) database via its API a registration is mandatory.

To download data from the MaStR API using the open-MaStR, the credentials (MaStR user and token) need to be provided in a certain way. Three options exist:

  1. Credentials file: Both, user and token, are stored in plain text in the credentials file. For storing the credentials in the credentials file (plus optionally using keyring for the token) simply instantiate MaStRDownload once and you get asked for a user name and a token. The information you insert will be used to create the credentials file.

    It is also possible to create the credentials file by hand, using this format:

        user = SOM123456789012
        token = msöiöo8u2o29933n31733m§=§1n33§304n... # optional, 540 characters

    The token should be written in one line, without line breaks.

    The credentials file needs to be stored at: $HOME/.open-MaStR/config/credentials.cfg

  2. Credentials file + keyring: The user is stored in the credentials file, while the token is stored encrypted in the keyring.

    Read in the documentation of the keyring library how to store your token in the keyring.

  3. Don't store: Just use the password for one query and forget it

    The latter option is only available when using MaStRAPI. Instantiate with

    MaStRAPI(user='USERNAME', key='TOKEN')

    to provide user and token in a script and use these credentials in subsequent queries.


You can access the MaStR data via API by using the class MaStRAPI directly if you have the API credentials configured correctly. Use the code snippet below for queries.

from import MaStRAPI

if __name__ == "__main__":

    mastr_api = MaStRAPI()

For API calls and their optional parameters refer to API documentation.

Example queries and their responses


'Ergebniscode': 'OK',
'AufrufVeraltet': False,
'AufrufLebenszeitEnde': None,
'AufrufVersion': 1,
'LokaleUhrzeit': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 25, 8, 1, 46, 24766, tzinfo=<FixedOffset '+02:00'>)

API function name: GetLokaleUhrzeit
Example query: mastr_api.GetLokaleUhrzeit()
Parameter: None


"Ergebniscode": "OkWeitereDatenVorhanden",
"AufrufVeraltet": False,
"AufrufLebenszeitEnde": None,
"AufrufVersion": 1,
"Einheiten": [
        "EinheitMastrNummer": "SEE984033548619",
        "DatumLetzeAktualisierung": datetime.datetime(
            2020, 2, 20, 16, 28, 35, 250812
        "Name": "Photovoltaikanlage ERWin4",
        "Einheitart": "Stromerzeugungseinheit",
        "Einheittyp": "Solareinheit",
        "Standort": "48147 Münster",
        "Bruttoleistung": Decimal("3.960"),
        "Erzeugungsleistung": None,
        "EinheitSystemstatus": "Aktiv",
        "EinheitBetriebsstatus": "InBetrieb",
        "Anlagenbetreiber": "ABR949444220202",
        "EegMastrNummer": "EEG920083771065",
        "KwkMastrNummer": None,
        "SpeMastrNummer": None,
        "GenMastrNummer": None,
        "BestandsanlageMastrNummer": None,
        "NichtVorhandenInMigriertenEinheiten": None,

API function name: GetEinheitSolar
Example query: mastr_api.GetListeAlleEinheiten(limit=1)

Parameter Description
marktakteurMastrNummer The MaStR number of the requested unit
startAb Sets the beginning of the records to be delivered [default value: 1]
datumAb Restrict the amount of data to be retrieved to changed data from the specified date [Default value: NULL]
limit Limit of the maximum data records to be delivered [default/maximum value: maximum of own limit]


"Ergebniscode": "OK",
"AufrufVeraltet": False,
"AufrufLebenszeitEnde": None,
"AufrufVersion": 1,
"EinheitMastrNummer": "SEE984033548619",
"DatumLetzteAktualisierung": datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 20, 16, 28, 35, 250812),
"LokationMastrNummer": "SEL948991715391",
"NetzbetreiberpruefungStatus": "Geprueft",
"Netzbetreiberzuordnungen": [
        "NetzbetreiberMastrNummer": "SNB980883363112",
        "NetzbetreiberpruefungsDatum":, 2, 25),
        "NetzbetreiberpruefungsStatus": "Geprueft",
"NetzbetreiberpruefungDatum":, 2, 25),
"AnlagenbetreiberMastrNummer": "ABR949444220202",
"NetzbetreiberMastrNummer": ["SNB980883363112"],
"Land": "Deutschland",
"Bundesland": "NordrheinWestfalen",
"Landkreis": "Münster",
"Gemeinde": "Münster",
"Gemeindeschluessel": "05515000",
"Postleitzahl": "48147",
"Gemarkung": None,
"FlurFlurstuecknummern": None,
"Strasse": None,
"StrasseNichtGefunden": False,
"Hausnummer": {"Wert": None, "NichtVorhanden": False},
"HausnummerNichtGefunden": False,
"Adresszusatz": None,
"Ort": "Münster",
"Laengengrad": None,
"Breitengrad": None,
"UtmZonenwert": None,
"UtmEast": None,
"UtmNorth": None,
"GaussKruegerHoch": None,
"GaussKruegerRechts": None,
"Registrierungsdatum":, 2, 1),
"GeplantesInbetriebnahmedatum": None,
"Inbetriebnahmedatum":, 7, 20),
"DatumEndgueltigeStilllegung": None,
"DatumBeginnVoruebergehendeStilllegung": None,
"DatumWiederaufnahmeBetrieb": None,
"EinheitSystemstatus": "Aktiv",
"EinheitBetriebsstatus": "InBetrieb",
"BestandsanlageMastrNummer": None,
"NichtVorhandenInMigriertenEinheiten": None,
"AltAnlagenbetreiberMastrNummer": None,
"DatumDesBetreiberwechsels": None,
"DatumRegistrierungDesBetreiberwechsels": None,
"NameStromerzeugungseinheit": "Photovoltaikanlage ERWin4",
"Weic": {"Wert": None, "NichtVorhanden": False},
"WeicDisplayName": None,
"Kraftwerksnummer": {"Wert": None, "NichtVorhanden": False},
"Energietraeger": "SolareStrahlungsenergie",
"Bruttoleistung": Decimal("3.960"),
"Nettonennleistung": Decimal("3.960"),
"Schwarzstartfaehigkeit": None,
"Inselbetriebsfaehigkeit": None,
"Einsatzverantwortlicher": None,
"FernsteuerbarkeitNb": False,
"FernsteuerbarkeitDv": None,
"FernsteuerbarkeitDr": None,
"Einspeisungsart": "Volleinspeisung",
"PraequalifiziertFuerRegelenergie": None,
"GenMastrNummer": None,
"zugeordneteWirkleistungWechselrichter": Decimal("4.000"),
"GemeinsamerWechselrichterMitSpeicher": "KeinStromspeicherVorhanden",
"AnzahlModule": 22,
"Lage": "BaulicheAnlagen",
"Leistungsbegrenzung": "Nein",
"EinheitlicheAusrichtungUndNeigungswinkel": True,
"Hauptausrichtung": "Sued",
"HauptausrichtungNeigungswinkel": "Grad20Bis40",
"Nebenausrichtung": "None",
"NebenausrichtungNeigungswinkel": "None",
"InAnspruchGenommeneFlaeche": None,
"ArtDerFlaeche": [],
"InAnspruchGenommeneAckerflaeche": None,
"Nutzungsbereich": "Haushalt",
"Buergerenergie": None,
"EegMastrNummer": "EEG920083771065",

API function name: GetEinheitSolar
Example query: mastr_api.GetEinheitSolar(einheitMastrNummer="SEE984033548619")

Parameter Description
apiKey The web service key for validation
marktakteurMastrNummer The MaStR number of the market actor used by the web service user
einheitMastrNummer The MaStR number of the requested unit
Why can't I just query all information of all units of a specific power plant type?

As the example queries above demonstrate, the API is structured so that units of power plants types (e.g. wind turbine, solar PV systems, gas power plant) have to be queried directly by their unique identifier ( EinheitMastrNummer") and a distinct API query. To download all unit information of a specific power plant you need to know the "EinheitMastrNummer".

Firstly, by querying for all units with mastr_api.GetListeAlleEinheiten() you'll get all units, their unique identifier (EinheitMastrNummer) and their power plant type (Einheitentyp). You can then sort them by power plant type and use the power plant type specific API query to retrieve information about it.

Luckily, open-MaStR has you covered and provides methods to just query for all units of a power plant type.


The class MaStRDownload builds upon methods provided in the class MaStRAPI.

It provides methods to download power plant unit types and additional information for each unit type, such as extended unit data, permit data, chp-specific data, location data or eeg-specific data.

The class handles the querying logic and knows which additional data for each unit type is available and which SOAP service has to be used to query it.


The class MaStRMirror builds upon methods provided in the class MaStRDownload.

The aim of the class has been to mirror the Marktstammdatenregister database and keep it up-to-date. Historically, open-mastr has been developed before the owner of the dataset, BNetzA, offered the bulk download. The class can still be used for use-cases where only the most recent changes to a local database are of interest. For downloading the entire MaStR database we recommend the bulk download functionalities by specifying donwload(method="bulk").